Give Now to the GMC '73 Endowed Scholarship

The GMC '73 Scholarship, established in February 2014, is a memorial to all GMC classmates from the 70's era (1970-1979) who have passed away. This Endowed Scholarship gives us the opportunity to remember our former classmates and help pass on their spirit, to deserving 9th - 12th grade Prep School students, in the form of a GMC education. The Scholarship, awarded annually to two Prep School freshmen, is a minimum of $500.00.
These recipients retain the Scholarship for four years, through Prep School graduation, as long as the selection criteria continue to be met - financial need, academic good standing, and a minimum GPA of 2.73. Thus, annually eight GMC '73 Scholarships are awarded - two each to Prep School freshmen, sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Since 2014, 22 Prep School students have benefited from a total of 50 scholarships. One hundred percent of all donations go to the Scholarship. Please donate to this very worthwhile cause and assist these motivated Prep School students who simply need some financial help.